Lisbon Snaps


Ever since I left Lisbon after a couple of wonderful months last year, I’ve been longing to go back again. I visited Lisbon before but last winter I really fell in love with the place. I love this place in winter and I’m so happy that I was able to make it back here for yet another winter together with my family.


Why do I love Lisbon so much you may wonder? I think I’ve told you before, but just in case I haven’t, here are a couple of reasons: 1) The beauty & the charm of the city and all of its colours and patterns 2) The fact that the city is right by the water and a ton of beaches are just a short car ride away, 3) That you can find so many delicious places to eat and that the food & wine scene is just getting bigger and bigger by the minute. Natural wines? No problem! In the mood for sushi? You’ll find it. Delicious ramen? Yes, that too. And so much more.


It’s a place that will have a special place in my heart forever. For giving me such special moments with my sister & family, for saving me last year and the year before that when the endless lockdowns all alone started feeling very hard and for being so darn welcoming and charming.


You’ll find more of my Lisbon suggestions right here.


New Favourite


Winter Beach Days